Monday, April 29, 2024

Terrible Spacing :o

When it comes to grammar, spelling, and overall the paragraphing. I am absolutely horrible at it. I blame the Polynesian side of my heritage (just kidding). Thankfully chapter 4 of labsin helped me out So much. Instead of being good at everything I suck at, I can just rely on Microsoft Word :D. Being able to put a specific amount of spacing between each paragraph, and to specifically put spacing before or after each paragraph really makes all of my assignments look way more professionally made. Even though I am always at the tip of the iceberg in IS101. I can really say I have learned a lot of skills being in this class. Thank you Professor Wu for being the most interesting, entertaining, and helpful professor I have ever had :).

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Power of Shapes

Throughout learning everything about Microsoft Office. I enjoyed formatting shapes. As you can tell from my project, I am a very artistic person. I love creating something out of nothing. Formatting shapes is a way I can show my skills and hobbies within Microsoft Word. I figured out how to make certain shapes, angles, and shading to enhance my document. I learned how to cut out shapes to my specific wants. Turning shapes into art. 

  I also found ways to make my document more interesting by inserting text fonts into shapes, resizing things to the exact width and height I wanted, aligning shapes perfectly with one another, etc.

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Difference between hardware, system software, and application software

  I knew there were different types of software but did not know most of their functionality. I learned that application software is designed significantly for the user (video games, web browsers, data-based programs, word processors). System software controls computer hardware and coordinates the interaction between hardware, and application software. This section of the module also showed me the different types of system software. Utility software analyzes, configures, and optimizes support and maintains utility. Types of utility software are Back which copies files from a disc into another location, Compression takes full-sized files and compresses them, Disk cleaners finds unnecessary files and deletes them when storage is full, Antivirus deletes malicious viruses before it can compromise your computer. There are also Device Drivers that help an OS communicate with hardware devices. These can be known as printers, video cards, scanners, and cameras. Firmware is preinstalled, read-only software (low-level operating system) that includes televisions, remote controls, gaming consoles, and automobiles.

Knowing all of this new information, I feel like I learned so much more about my PC than I used to. I use my PC regularly and knowing this new information I have found strangely makes me value my PC more because of all the work it goes through 

Friday, February 9, 2024

Gmail and Google Calender

I learned many very useful things during this chapter. Out of all the web platforms, google is the one I use most. Knowing the highlighted features of Google just opened so many doors that can help me manage my work and time, and just be organized digitally. One thing I always have on me is notes. One key feature that stood out for me is "keep notes". I never knew that I could jot down notes digitally through Google which is amazing. One other thing I did not know of is the Google Calendar itself. Now I can digitally put in anything important I need through Google. Since I am logged in through many devices on the same account, I can access my calendar and To-do list at any time and any place now. 

Saturday, February 3, 2024

First Month of IS101

 Welcome back:). Throughout my experience in college, and especially in IS101, I learned a lot of new skills. One thing I learned especially is time management. My time management was always right on time or last minute, which is pretty good, but it can be better. Now I always try to turn things in extra early, or right on time. I also understand that my work life, and health can hinder my performance, but that is also my responsibility to set my priorities. Another thing that Professor Wu taught me is to make my assignments perfect. Yeah sure our assignments can be too much sometimes, or to confusing, but it's not like he is hard on us students as well, he gives us basically an infinite amount of redo's and also helps us get 100%. 

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

First Day in IS101

 Hello, I am Joshua, Teves and I am part of CLASS OF IS101 WOOOO. Um so I know this is a pretty late blog since I was supposed to do it quite some time ago. I PROMISE I AM NOT A SLACKER; the Saturday it was due I was still having issues with my student ID and all that stuff, so I was not able to look at my emails or anything that Professor Wu has been sending me until the day that I found out. 

Well though, first time meeting Professor, Wu was pretty interesting... I did not know what to think of him at first because he would laugh at his own jokes (no offense Professor) but he is actually very entertaining. I love how he is sarcastic and came seem to be very offensive to other people. (I find that type of personality funny) 

Terrible Spacing :o

When it comes to grammar, spelling, and overall the paragraphing. I am absolutely horrible at it. I blame the Polynesian side of my heritage...