Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Difference between hardware, system software, and application software

  I knew there were different types of software but did not know most of their functionality. I learned that application software is designed significantly for the user (video games, web browsers, data-based programs, word processors). System software controls computer hardware and coordinates the interaction between hardware, and application software. This section of the module also showed me the different types of system software. Utility software analyzes, configures, and optimizes support and maintains utility. Types of utility software are Back which copies files from a disc into another location, Compression takes full-sized files and compresses them, Disk cleaners finds unnecessary files and deletes them when storage is full, Antivirus deletes malicious viruses before it can compromise your computer. There are also Device Drivers that help an OS communicate with hardware devices. These can be known as printers, video cards, scanners, and cameras. Firmware is preinstalled, read-only software (low-level operating system) that includes televisions, remote controls, gaming consoles, and automobiles.

Knowing all of this new information, I feel like I learned so much more about my PC than I used to. I use my PC regularly and knowing this new information I have found strangely makes me value my PC more because of all the work it goes through 


  1. Hi Joshua, Its true that we value something more only when we understood or gained some knowledge on that. Even I use to handle my laptop in harsh manner, until I understood its configuration and service details. Fixing the laptop (hardware) is even more difficult when compare to Desktop computer.

  2. Joshua learned a lot how the "funny black box" known as a computer/PC/desktop/laptop/tablet etc all worked. All that "magic" now makes a little more sense to me. Your blog is a great summary of the terms bandied about that used to confuse me.

  3. Your exploration into the intricacies of software functionality was enlightening! Understanding the roles of application, system, and utility software sheds light on the inner workings of our devices. Learning about the various functions of utility software, from backup tools to antivirus programs, underscores the importance of optimizing system performance. It's fascinating to think about the behind-the-scenes processes that contribute to the smooth operation of our PCs, fostering a deeper appreciation for our devices. Your newfound understanding undoubtedly enhances your connection to your PC, as you recognize the complexity and functionality of the technology that powers it. Keep exploring and uncovering the wonders of the digital world!

  4. Hi Josh, I love how your newfound understanding of hardware, system software, and application software is really relatable, especially for anyone who uses a PC regularly but might not have been aware of all the behind-the-scenes processes.

  5. Joshua, I also enjoyed learning about the different types of software! I've been using computers throughout my life but I never pondered on what goes on behind the scenes. I liked your brief descriptions of each software as well.

  6. It's great that you've gained a deeper understanding of the different types of software that make your PC function! Application software, like video games and word processors, is directly used by the user for various tasks. System software, such as utility programs and device drivers, manages hardware and supports application software. Utilities like backup, compression, disk cleaners, and antivirus are crucial for optimizing and maintaining your system's performance and security.

  7. Hey Joshua, it's incredible how much we have learned on this class. Imagine how confident we are now that we can explore and know the difference between hardware, software and application.


Terrible Spacing :o

When it comes to grammar, spelling, and overall the paragraphing. I am absolutely horrible at it. I blame the Polynesian side of my heritage...