Tuesday, January 23, 2024

First Day in IS101

 Hello, I am Joshua, Teves and I am part of CLASS OF IS101 WOOOO. Um so I know this is a pretty late blog since I was supposed to do it quite some time ago. I PROMISE I AM NOT A SLACKER; the Saturday it was due I was still having issues with my student ID and all that stuff, so I was not able to look at my emails or anything that Professor Wu has been sending me until the day that I found out. 

Well though, first time meeting Professor, Wu was pretty interesting... I did not know what to think of him at first because he would laugh at his own jokes (no offense Professor) but he is actually very entertaining. I love how he is sarcastic and came seem to be very offensive to other people. (I find that type of personality funny) 


  1. Glad to hear you are not a slacker, Joshua :-)

    Even more glad you resolved your CSN Student ID and 'all that stuff' issues.

    No offense taken and thank you for finding me entertaining ^_^

    Welcome to IS101-3002, Spring 2024, Joshua.

  2. Hello Joshua! That is understandable that you had troubles sometimes it happens. I am glad you got the troubles solved. It is also the first week and first blog so personally I think it is more relaxed and the cards you were dealt made it hard so I do not think your a slacker at all. I look forward to seeing more of your blog in the future.

  3. Hey Josh, Glad you got everything to work out. I too found Professor Wu's personality to be funny. Makes the class easier to sit through with people like that.

  4. I commented on your post yesterday, but it seems to have disappeared! Glad to hear you are back on track in IS101. I fell behind before the class even started as well. I am all caught up and I feel as if I am doing decently at not falling behind again.

  5. I've had many login issues in the past before, so I feel your pain. I also enjoyed Professor Wu. Hope everything goes well for you!

  6. Joshua, it sounds like you're off to an interesting start in IS101! Technical hiccups happen, so no worries there. It's great that you're finding Professor Wu's unique teaching style—jokes and all—entertaining. A teacher with a good sense of humor can make learning a lot more engaging. Keep an open mind, and I'm sure you'll catch up and enjoy the course. Looking forward to hearing more about your experiences!

  7. Joshua, though I got done early with the blog, I struggled with it and made many mistakes as an IT Neanderthal. In retrospect, rather than trying to get it done quickly, I should've taken my time, set priorities and saved the frustration. Glad to see you got it done...wish you smooth sailing from here on.

  8. Hello Joshua. Don't worry, nobody thinks that you are a slacker. I think it's fair to say that everyone felt a little overwhelmed with the amount of work that we were assigned so early in the semester. There was a lot of account creation that takes time. Hopefully, you are a little more caught up now. I think Professor Wu is funny too and I enjoy his personality as well.

  9. Great to read about you Joshua. It's good for you to know that you are not a slacker. It's hard for me to get into the swing of things again after not being in school for a long time. But it's always good to have a teacher with a funny sense of humor, it makes the class feel less strict and scary and makes you want to come back again. Can't wait to see how far you've come in these blogs!

  10. Hi Joshua, it is good that you have resolved your student ID issues. I am sure you are not a slacker, since you have worked on something which others haven't done and still you have kept track of your activities. All the Best with IS101 success.

  11. Hey Joshua, good to see that you're able to catch up. I completely understand the problem of "slacking". It's really hard to catch up with assignments that are so time-consuming. Good luck with this semester and I'm sure you'll be able to catch up.

  12. Hi Joshua, I agree with the slacking thing. I have not always been on my 'A' game this semester but its not always possible with situations going on. Also just like you, I enjoy Professor Wu's personality as well.

  13. Hi Joshua! This class, with the workload, can make one seem like a slacker easily. But with a dedicated day for the work, it is very doable. We are so close to the end and it is a freeing feeling to know how the assignments that are left are very doable in the time frame.

  14. Hi Joshua, absolutely nobody in our class are slackeršŸ˜Š Imagine all the labsims, assignments that we had and guess what semester almost over, yay.

  15. Hi Joshua, I believe that you are not a slacker. But you know sometime I feel lazy to do work but at the same time my mind is like, if I don't do due work now, there will be a work load. So all our class work keep us away from being slackers.


Terrible Spacing :o

When it comes to grammar, spelling, and overall the paragraphing. I am absolutely horrible at it. I blame the Polynesian side of my heritage...